3 Basic Ingredients
Obviously there are 4 ingredients in this picture. Those damned essential oils, they'll getcha every time. So we just pulled a few at home recipes and made some minor adjustments.The possibilities were endless. Powdered seemed prominent but I'm just a liquid kinda gal. Most Recipes called for laundry bar soap (had trouble finding an organic) or liquid Castile soap. So.....we just got Castile in a Bar! Our resourcefulness and know how is astounding. Now a basic tutorial.
You will need:
1/2 a bar of Pure-Castile Soap,grated or
1/3 a bar of laundry soap,grated
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax powder
1 tbsp essential oil of your choice(some are harsher than others, so do some research) optional
2 gallon jugs
Funnel (we made one using a 2-liter bottle, re-purposing baby)
Designate a large pot to cook up your crazy ass at home concoctions. Also, pick your least favorite stirring utensil, and a grater or knife... these too are now lost to the hippies.
Even if this sucks as detergent the house smells awesome
Drop the soap you have obviously grated into the large pot over medim heat. Add 6 cups of water.Add Borax, Washing Soda and the essential oil. Now just stir till it all dissolves. Once dissolved it just needs 5 more minutes to cook with the occasional stir. Pull it off the the heat and let sit 5 more minutes. Place half the contents into each bottle and fill half way with hot water, using that sweet homemade funnel.
Shake ferociously then fill the remaining half of each jug with hot water. Now back to shakin it like a salt shaker. You should actually shake much, much harder than you would a salt shaker. Let it sit for 24 hrs. it will gel up and kinda looks like egg whites. Bam! Laundry detergent. Break Down of cost $3.50 to do approx. 75 loads. 1/2 cup per load or 2/3rds if needed. Worked and Smelled Great. Sold
You could also create your own soap as a biproduct of making Biodiesel. The biproduct of bidiesel creates glycerin, which you can use to make bars of soap or hand soap if you thin it out. You could then add your sented oils and sell the soap. Of course you would need a reason to make bidiesel in the first place.